1939 - 2017 | Sheffield
Val Procter
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Current total raised
GiftAid £56.25
+ £37.50 GiftAid
Bill Alder
Val was held in high regard by her friends and had many endearing qualities. We loved each other to the end but did not have long enough time to say goodbye.
+ £6.25 GiftAid
Janet Alison
A special lady, remembered for her amazing style and energy for life, and love she gave to my Dad in his lifetime.
Lea Gurney
The sun, the moon, the wind, the stars, will forever be around, reminding you of the love you shared x
+ £6.25 GiftAid
Leonard Stockley
Our thoughts are with Fiona, from Auntie Ellen & Uncle Len
+ £6.25 GiftAid
Colin Stockley
Thoughts go to Fiona from Colin, Liz, Sam and Alex Stockley
Fiona Doran
Thank you so so much for the wonderful care you gave to my Mum Val and the amazing support to all of us family. Your hospice is truly a very special place.
Valerie always put a smile on my face and will continue to do so whenever I think about her x
Added by LãA Gurney - 10/08/2017