Brenda Whitham

1940 - 2024 | Sheffield

Brenda was cared for by a St Luke's Community Nurse at home. Brenda unfortunately passed away on 8th July 2024. At Brenda's funeral on 24th July, David and his family requested any donations given were to go to St Luke's Hospice and would like to tha…

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Brenda was cared for by a St Luke's Community Nurse at home. Brenda unfortunately passed away on 8th July 2024. At Brenda's funeral on 24th July, David and his family requested any donations given were to go to St Luke's Hospice and would like to thank Lucy for her care and support.


Donation in memory of

Brenda Whitham


Current total raised


GiftAid £48.31


+ £48.31 GiftAid

Andrew Whitham


Donated on behalf of Brenda's family and friends at her funeral service at City Road Crematorium. Thank you all for attending.


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