Ken Ashton

1946 - 2022 | Sheffield

Much loved and missed father, brother, grandad and friend.

Donation in memory of

Ken Ashton


Current total raised


GiftAid £25.00


+ £12.50 GiftAid

Dennis Ashton


Thank you to St Luke’s for the care you gave to Ken in his final days. Thank you too for the support you gave to Ken’s family in this stressful time.


+ £12.50 GiftAid

Vicky Ashton


In memory of Ken from Barbara.


In memory of Ken: intelligent, funny, loyal, caring, talented and irreverent. The best brother anyone could have. I miss you, our kid.

Added by Dennis Ashton - 04/12/2022

On behalf of your SMG pals, 'bye Ken.

Added by Rob Mitchell - 19/11/2022